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Fast, Affordable, Quality 


Sometimes you don't need a complicated platform.

Sometimes you just need a great pentest quickly and at a fair price.

When that time comes, you come to us.


Our philosophy

The age old question... Are you getting your moneys worth?? Chances are, more than 80% of your pentest budget is going towards everything else except your test pentest. Ludicrous marketing budgets, work from home perks, company swag events etc are all great for the employees. But we promise you, that won't lead to you getting a better service. 


At Testify, we have one singular goal. To charge for great pentesting, not parties. We are passionate and competitive pentesters who love what we do and have built a company on the foundation of a systemic approach to scoping, budgeting and delivery to save you time and money. 





Reliable testers

No more exploiting....

On  average a mere 12% of your money goes to the pentester, the rest goes towards bloated marketing budgets and product teams.  Our pentesters are some of the best in the world and we pay them what they are worth so you can be sure, you are getting the best return on your money thanks to our satisfied and highly motivated team.


Our Scope

Our testers are capable of testing your entire product suite 


Meeting your compliance needs


Get in Touch

71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ

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